Our News items
Welcome Back - Returning to School on 8 March 2021, by Miss Redford
World Book Day 2021 - March 4, by Miss Redford
Returning to School Story by ©Elsa Support, by Miss Redford
Coming soon.... Ride it Out (1st - 31st March), by Miss Redford
Calling All Budding Artists - Poster Competition, by Miss Redford
Manchester TV Channel Launch, by Miss Redford
Manchester Parent Carer Forum SEND Survey 2021, by Miss Redford
Manchester Adult Education Digital Skills Online Workshops, by Miss Redford
Spread the Love, by Miss Redford
Manchester's Community Response Hub, by Miss Redford
Wythenshawe Park Cycling Hub Survey, by Miss Redford
Online learning using an Xbox or PlayStation, by Miss Redford
Season's Greetings from Newall Green Primary School, by Miss Redford
Barnardo's BIG Christmas Event, by Miss Redford
Covid Update from Mrs Rudd 27/11/20, by Miss Redford
Manchester Adult Education Craft Workshops, by Miss Redford
Huge Thanks for Harvest Food Bank Donations, by Miss Redford
Staying Safe & Social Distancing on School Grounds, by Miss Redford
Half Term Free School Meals, by Miss Redford
Healthy Schools Bi-weekly Bulletin – 3rd November 2020, by Miss Redford
Families Eligible for FSM during Half-Term, by Miss Redford
Circuit Breaker - School Closure until Nov 9 2020, by Miss Redford
Non-Uniform Day 23/10/20, by Miss Redford