Our News items
End of Year Letter from the Head Teacher, by Miss Redford
Free Autism & Complex Needs Friendly Theatre Show, by Miss Redford
Managing Your Child's Behaviour - Online Support Workshops, by Miss Redford
Help for People Self Isolating, by Miss Redford
Track & Trace - Self Isolation, by Miss Redford
Sports Days 2021, by Miss Redford
News for SEND Families From The Manchester Local Offer, by Miss Redford
FREE Online Parenting Support Workshops, by Miss Redford
Youth employment training - Generation's IT Support Programme, by Miss Redford
Keep Wythenshawe Tidy, by Miss Redford
Nursery Roof Building Works, by Miss Redford
Healthy School Healthy Food, by Miss Redford
Online Parenting Workshops, by Miss Redford
Manchester Adult Education Course - Digital Nature, by Miss Redford
Free Half Term Holiday Activities, by Miss Redford
Adult Education Course - Level 1 Award in Mental Health Awareness, by Miss Redford
Newsletter 7/5/21, by Miss Redford
Free Digital Skills Courses for Adults from Lloyds Bank, by Miss Redford
Age Restrictions on Social Media and Gaming, by Miss Redford
Nursery Places Available, by Miss Redford
Post Covid Lockdown Questionnaire, by Miss Redford
Manchester Youth Council - Newsletter, by Miss Redford
Head's Update 12/3/21 - First week back, by Miss Redford
Head's Update 8/3/21 - Welcome Back to School, by Miss Redford
COVID Poster Competition Winners, by Miss Redford