Reception 2024 - 2025
Miss Gough
Miss Ward
Miss Wilson
Hello everyone!
Hello and Welcome Reception classes of 24-25!
On this webpage you will find lots of information and updates you will need throughout your time in Reception.
Our important dates to remember can be found by clicking this link
RRG: Miss Gough (Teacher), Miss Ellis (Teaching Assistant), Miss Katy (One to One Support);
RSW: Miss Ward (Teacher), Caroline (Teaching Assistant);
RHW: Miss Wilson (Teacher), Miss Brinson (Teaching Assistant), Miss Gemma (One to One Support).
Our Learning - General Themes:
- School day starts at 8:45am and finishes at 3:15pm. Our gate opens at 8:45am, and our learning begins with out 'Morning Jobs'.
- If you are late (9:00am onwards), please take your child to the main office to sign them in and receive a red slip.
- If you need to collect your child early from school, please go to the main school office to sign them out. Please present relevant evidence for the early collection at the office.
- Please can you remember to pre-order your child's dinner on Parent Pay. Reception children are able to have a free school meal under the government's scheme. If you need any support or further information, please contact the school office. Alternatively, you may provide your child with a healthy packed lunch.
- The EYFS Breakfast Club and After School Club are both located in the Whitehouse Centre. There is a charge for using this facility, please speak to the club teams or the school office to find out more.
- Children are expected to wear full school unform. To find out more click here. We also have a selection of pre-loved uniform, please see Evelyn Uche, Parent Support Officer for more details. Evelyn can also signpost families to apply for uniform assistance.
- Physical Education lessons take place weekly. On Thursdays, your child's PE day, please send them into school in their PE kit. Please click here for more details of safe and appropriate outift in accordnace with the scholl uniform policy.
- For up-to-date information, please go to the School Spider App, as school correspondence will be sent through this method. For support and/or login details please speak to the main office.
- The EYFS team will send out memos connected to the children's learning via Tapestry. Please speak to the class teacher for login details.
- Don't forget to check the school calendar on the website for upcoming events.
- At the beginning of their academic journey, Reception children complete the Statutory Reception Baseline Assessment. The children respond to questions and activities in accordance with their current understanding. This is an on-entry assessment undertaken by the team for the Department for Education. For more information, please contact the class teacher or Miss McKenzie (Early Years Lead).
- Our important dates to remember can be found by clicking this link
- Please may you provide your child with a water bottle for use throughout the day. We are a healthy school, so may we remind you to fill the bottles with water or a sugar-free cordial.
- Reception children have fruit and milk provided for their snacks. (There are children will allergies and specific dietary requirements, therefore, families are asked to not send in other items.)
- Please label any clothing, shoes, water bottles and bags with your child's name and class to prevent them from getting lost or mixed up. There is a temporary lost property box placed outside each classroom at the end of the day or the main lost property store in the Whitehouse Centre should your child loose any of their belongings.
- The weather is very changeable, so please make sure your child is dressed for the day. Please remember waterproofs, scarfs, hats and wellies need labelling as well if you are bringing them into school. Please take umbrella's home if your child is using them on the way to school as the children do not use them on either the Reception or KS1 playgrounds. We ask on sunny days for families to put suncream on their children before they attend school, bring in a sunhat with their child's name in it, and make sure your child has a water bottle with them.
- Book Bags need to come into school every day.
- Reception have our Physical Education (PE) lesson on Thursdays, so please send your child into school in their PE kit (white t-shirt, navy / black shorts / trousers, black trainers / pumps).
- The team will be uploading photographs of your child at school, activities to support your child's learning to be completed at home, information, advice, and requests via Tapestry. Please make sure you are receiving the notifications from the website/application, or check in frequently. Don't forget Tapestry is a two-way journal, so families can upload photographs and films which you do at home to share with the class and/or staff. (See tab for more information.)
Autumn 1: Where we live
Self portraits
Busy learning outdoors
Can you build with a friend?
Autumn 2: Castles, Knights and Dragons
Remembrance Day:
Christmas in Reception:
Spring1: People who help us
Fun in the snow:
Art - Pier Mondrian inspired artwork.
Imagine That:
Number day:
Learning at Home:
- Bedtime Story Books: Each night you can read this story to your child to help develop their understanding of books and stories. It is an opportunity to ask questions about the book such as: Where is the front? What is the title? What is the job of the person who writes the book? It is also a time where you can dive into the book and find out more, for example; Who are the main characters in the story? Where does the story take place? What do you think will happen on the next page? If you could change the story; how would you? Which parts did you like/dislike and why? These books will be changed once a week, so please bring them back into school on a Thursday.
- Maths home activity sheet: A maths activity sheet will be sent home at the end of each week to help carry on the learning at home. Whilst these are activities that may be supported by adults, we ask they are completed by the child. Please return them the following Thursday. This starts from Autumn 2 term.
- Phonics: A few minutes practise each day at home as well as school will help the children to become confident with their sounds and use them to read and write.
- Read Write Inc Phonics Films: Your child's phonics teacher and/or class teacher will send home links to videos for you to watch with your child (links sent via Tapestry). Please do watch them, as they will help to support your child's development with reading and writing by consolidating the learning in school.
- RWI Phonics Sound Cards andHandwriting Sheets: Your child will receive the phonics sound card they have met duing their learning session, to practise at home (if they do not already have it), and a handwriting sheet to practise forming the letter correctly.
- RWI Sheets and Books: These are used in accordance with your child's learning and are resources for the children to use at home to practise as they are kept in the Book Bags. Please make sure you return the books daily as the children will be continuing to use it in their phonincs lessons and also we can exchange it for a new one when the children are ready (usually a new one every three/four days).
- RWI Blending Books: These books contain words for the children to practise using their Fred Talk skills. The child sounds out the word by saying the sound for each letter and then blends (puts together) the sounds to read the whole word. When they become confident, the child should be able to read the whole word.
- RWI Ditty Sheets or Red Ditty Books: At this stage the children practise reading and writing ditties (short sentences). If your child has a ditty sheet, a new one will be sent out every day. If your child has a red ditty book, they will receive a copy to practise with at home, after they have used it in school first.
- RWI Green and Purple Books: Thesechildren are working on reading and writing sentences. Please make sure you return the books daily as the children will be continuing to use it in their phonincs lessons.
- For further information about Read Write Inc Phonics the parents guide can be found by clicking here.
- PurpleMash: There are various activities that you can access to help support your child's learning in lots of different ways, including TODOs set by the team in school. Log into your child's account to explore the different areas of learning and to complete the TODOs.
Working in partnership with families (who are the primary educators) we aim to enable the best for your child's learning and development.
If you have any questions or comments, please do speak to one of us. Sometimes it can be busy at the door, so if there is something you would like to discuss, please ask to meet a member of the team or contact the school office and we will organise a suitable time to talk.
Early Years Foundation Stage - Nursery and Reception follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage:
- The Early Years Framework follows four overarching principles: A Unidue Child; Positive Relationships; Enabling Environments; Learning and Development.
- The provision is centered round children's all-round development in accordance to the Early Years Framework. Using both the indoor and outdoor environments we aim to provide balance across areas of learning to support, strengthen and extend each child's learning so they can individually make progress. We encourage children to be curious, to play and explore, actively engage in their learning and develop skills of creativity and critical thinking.
- Click here to read the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Files to Download
Reception: News items
Spring 1 Sports Clubs, by Mrs Campbell
Trip to Imagine That, by Miss Granger
Banned - Magnetic Fidget Beads, by Miss Granger
Reception: Display work items
There are no Display work items to display