Term Dates



Leave of Absence Request Form

Please be aware of the important nationwide changes that come into force on 19th August 2024 in relation to the issuing of Penalty Notices also known as fines.

Newall Green Primary School’s policy has changed to fall in line with DfE and Manchester City Council’s policy on children taking leave of absence during school term time.

We need therefore to advise you of the following:

Newall Green Primary School considers all requests for leave of absence in term time very seriously and will only authorise such requests under exceptional circumstances. It is widely recognised that the educational outcomes and future life chances of children and young people can be significantly impacted upon by periods of absence. Therefore we want to encourage parents to ensure that their child attends school every day.

If you decide to take leave of absence for your child / children you need to be aware of the following:

Under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 an authorised officer of the City Council has the power to issue each parent / carer with a Penalty Notice for each of their children who fail to attend school regularly. A Penalty Notice is an early deterrent which is intended to prevent more extended periods of absence developing.

If you take an unauthorised holiday in term time or have other periods of unauthorised absence the headteacher may request that Manchester City Council issue a fine (known as a fixed-penalty notice). If issued with one, you’ll need to pay this directly to the local authority – £80 within 21 days, or £160 within 28 days per parent / per pupil.

The decision whether to issue a fine will take into account whether a national threshold has been met – this is 10 sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absence in a rolling period of 10 school weeks – as well as other factors.

If there was a second period of unauthorised absence within a three-year period then a second penalty notice could be issued, and this would be at the higher rate of £160.

Further periods of absence within three years, could mean that you are taken to court with no option of a penalty notice.

The same action may also be taken if you take your child out of school during term time without first submitting a leave of absence request to the Head Teacher.


If you wish to discuss any aspect of the policy or read the document in full please contact the School Office or visit: www.newallgreen.manchester.sch.uk/policies

Our Mission Statement...

At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are ‘Aiming High to Reach Our Goals’.

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