School Council
Our School Council has 12 members from Y3 to Y6, with each child being elected from their class through a vote.
The School Council meets with Mrs Campbell each week and work through an action plan which they create at the start of the year. The meetings follow an agenda, which is set each week, and the children are supported to take it in turns to be the chair and secretary for each meeting.
Our School Council are a fundamental part of our committment to making sure that every child in our school has the right to be heard. The school councillors are a voice for their classmates and bring their ideas, opinions, suggestions and concerns to the meetings. As well as speaking directly to the school council, pupil voice is collected through suggestion boxes, questionnaires and on the playgrounds.
Within their role as School Council representatives, the children meet with the governors and SLT; lead assemblies and workshops for pupils, parents and carers; represent the school at local events; work alongside the charity champions to raise awareness of local and global issues; run Pupil Parliament across the whole school; liaise with the school cook to feedback pupils' views and opinions on lunches; inform the school, in an assembly each week, about the work they have done on their behalf.
Over the years, the School Council have played a vital role in school improvement based on the views and opinions of our pupils. We are very proud to continue this year with a new School Council and look forward to celebrating their sucess.