Year 3 2024 - 2025

Miss Hart

Mr Edwards

Miss Stocking

Welcome to Year 3!

Hello everyone and welcome to Year 3 with Mr Edwards, Ms Hart and Miss Stocking.

 Mr Edwards.pngIMG_6213.jpgMiss Stocking.png

Important dates to remember can be found by clicking this link


Important information

  • School day starts at 8:45 each day and finishes at 15:15
  • If you are late, please take your child to the main office to sign them in
  • If you are collecting your child from school early, please collect them from the main office with the relevant evidence for early collection.  
  • Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform each day. Please see the school's unifrom policy here.
  • This half term, all three classes will have PE on a Wednesday. In addition, each class will have a session of Yoga on Monday afternoons.
  • Please send your child into school in appropriate PE kit according to the uniform policy. No sports tops. 
  • If your child has an after-school sports club, please send your child to school in their uniform and they will be given time to change into their PE kits before the club starts. 
  • Please can you remember to pre-order your child's dinner on Parent Pay. If you need any support, please contact the office.
  • All correspondence from school will only be sent through the School Spider App. If you haven't done so already, please can you download the app and collect your login details from the main office.


  • Please provide your child with a water bottle that can be used each day. There are facilities in school for these to be refilled.
  • We are a Healthy School, so please can you ensure that your child's water bottle is only filled with water and their snacks follow the Healthy Schools Policy.
  • Don't forget to clearly label any clothing/shoes with your child's name and class to prevent them from getting mixed up/lost.
  • Please send your child into school daily with their reading book and planner.


  • Spellings - Your child will be given a spelling list to practise at home. They are tested on these spellings on the following week.
  • Maths and Literacy - Your child will be given a piece of Maths and a piece of Literacy homework to complete each week. It will be handed out every Friday and is expected to be returned by the following Wednesday.
  • Reading - Please ensure that you are reading with your child for at least 15 minutes each evening. When you have read with them, please let us know by writing a comment in their planner. We check planners each week and give out rewards to children that are reading at home.
  • Purple Mash - Your child has received their log in details to access PurpleMash online. There are various tasks that you can access to help support your child's learning in lots of different ways, including TO DOs set by the team in school. 
  • TTRockstars - Your child has also recieved log in details to access TTRockstars. This is a fun and engaging way to help children practise their times tables and division facts, which will help them with their Maths learning in school.


We are learning about some fantastic topics this term. The topics that we will be exploring are:

  • Literacy - The Iron Man (Explanation Text, Descriptive Poetry), Journey (Adventure Story), The Twits (Narrative)
  • Maths - Number: Multiplication & Division, Measurement: Length & Perimeter, Fractions, Mass & Capacity
  • Class Novel - The Iron Man by Ted Hughes, The Twits by Roald Dahl
  • Science - Health & Movement, How Plants Grow
  • History - The Bronze and Iron Age
  • Geography - Italy and Pompeii
  • Art & Design - Silhouettes, Painting Reflections
  • Design & Technology - British Inventors
  • Music - Playing recorders including reading and writing music
  • PE - Gymnastics; Yoga
  • ICT - Coding, Branching Databases, Presenting
  • French - Playground Games (numbers and age), In a French Classroom

Please see attached in the files section the knowledge organisers for each subject. This will give you an overview of what your child is learning about.

Please keep checking the Year 3 page for further updates.

Thank you,

The Year 3 team

Files to Download

Year 3: News items

Spring 1 Sports Clubs, by Mrs Campbell

Year 3 Stone Age Day, by Miss Granger

Year 3: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Year 3: Display work items

There are no Display work items to display

Year 3: Events items

Our Mission Statement...

At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are ‘Aiming High to Reach Our Goals’.

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