About Our School
Our School
Newall Green Primary School is a community school for children aged 3 through to the transfer to secondary school aged 11 years. Set in extensive tree-lined grounds on a very attractive parkland site, in the Wythenshawe district of Manchester offering approximately 700 places for children. Being a large school means that we can offer each child a lot of opportunities but we also pride ourselves that each child is treated as an individual. This is born out by being a partner in the Lancasterian School Barrier Free initiative, which means that Newall Green Primary School is proud to be able to offer places to pupils with disabilities. We value children in their own right and show respect for their values, culture and religious beliefs.
Newall Green Primary School is one of the largest primary schools in Manchester. It is very important to us that the school retains the friendly 'family feel' that can be found in Primary Schools which are much smaller in size. We are proud of our commitment to raising standards for all our pupils and ensuring that all have the opportunity to reach their full potential.
We promote a caring, learning community, where everyone is encouraged, valued and may flourish. We provide guidance and support for our pupils and their families. There is strong pastoral care from all staff and everyone has a valuable contribution to make to the success of our school.
Parents and carers who are considering applying for a place are welcome to visit by appointment. Paper copies of any information on this website are available upon request.
From the Head
Thank you for visiting our site, I hope you find it useful. We pride ourselves in providing a caring, happy and friendly atmosphere which nurtures all children to their maximum potential in all areas of their growth and development. We believe that every child is different, yet equally important and valued. You will see that our staff, children and parents work together to teach and study a broad and interesting range of topics. Our curriculum and teaching helps our children produce the best work that they can and provides skills for future learning and gives our parents / carers information to help their child to do their best.
Our school motto is ‘Aiming high to reach our goals’- I am sure you can see this shining through in all that we do.
Sarah Rudd
Executive Head