Acorn Provision 2024 - 2025

Mrs Harrison

Welcome to the Acorn Provision page!Image result for acorn

Our important dates to remember can be found by clicking this link

Meet The Team:

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                                                                                                           Teacher: Mrs Harrison

Mrs Harrison’s working days are Monday-Thursday. On a Friday morning, Miss McKenzie who is one of our SENDCO's and Inclusion lead, will be teaching in our provision. 

Our children are also supported by our dedicated teaching assistants:


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                  Mrs Clark                              Miss Wilkie                         Mrs Doherty                                   Patsy 

Staff are available every morning if you have any queries or concerns. Please do let us know if we can help in any way.

Our Acorn Rooms

Please make sure you arrive on time for school at 8.45am. The doors are shut promptly at 9:00am. Our rooms can be accessed via Colshaw road (near Firbank park). Some children attend their mainstream classes in the afternoons or join in with some lessons. Hometime is 3.15pm.

Within the Acorn provision, we have two rooms. These are named the 'Red Squirrels' and the 'Grey Squirrels'. Your child will be assigned to one of these rooms where they will come in the morning and register. We will have a 'Welcome morning session' or on some days, we will attend whole school assemblies. Your child will also have snack time and story time in their groups. During the rest of the morning, your child may spend time in both of our Acorn rooms for lessons, depending upon their individual learning needs. The children will spend time with all of our staff so they will get to know us all very well. In the afternoons, if the children aren't in their mainstream classes, we focus on non-core subjects such as Art and Music, as well as developing key skills such as cooperative play, fine motor and social and emotional development.

We are very fortunate to have our Acorn Provision in school. We support children with additional needs, but also children who may require support to build up their confidence or to catch up with their learning. With a high staff to pupil ratio, we are able to teach the children in smaller groups and use a more personalised learning approach. We also have lots of support from other professionals including our speech and language therapist Carol and our school counsellor Amanda. Our aim is to help all of our children reach their full potential; we ensure that we make time to work with the children on their personal learning targets to help them to progress.

Our Curriculum:

Please see our half termly newsletters uploaded on our class page for up to date information on the topics and learning objectives we are covering in both of our Acorn rooms. Our focus in the Acorn provision is our core subject areas Literacy, Phonics and Maths. In addition, we also prioritise developing the children's social, language and communication skills and key skills. The children join in with whole school events and some children will also join in with Phonics lessons with their mainstream classes.

We have a weekly PE session which is in addition to the PE sessions the children attend with their mainstream class. In our PE sessions we focus on developing the children's gross and fine motor skills through sensory circuits and ball skills. 

Our PE day is on a MONDAY. The children can come to school in their PE kit. This includes a white t-shirt, black or navy shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings and black trainers or pumps. Please ensure children are in our correct PE kit. The children engage in outdoor learning daily so they need to wear sensible flat school shoes and a suitable coat.


Please set up your notifications on Tapestry or check regularly for new photographs, videos or observations of your child. We regularly post updates of what your child has been learning in the Acorn room for you to enjoy and discuss with your child at home.

Drinks and Snacks

  • Please bring in a bottle of water for your child to drink throughout the day. This can be refilled by an adult if needed.
  • Fruit and toast is provided everyday for snacktime, however if you wish, children can bring in a healthy snack to eat.

Files to Download

Acorn Provision: News items

Spring 1 Sports Clubs, by Mrs Campbell

Acorn RP Stay and Play!, by Mrs Harrison

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Our Mission Statement...

At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are ‘Aiming High to Reach Our Goals’.

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