The Rainbow Room 2024 - 2025
Miss Garrett
Welcome to the Rainbow Room page!
The Team
Miss Garrett
Mrs Nicholson
Hannah Adams
About Our Provision
Please ensure that you child arrives ontime between 8:45 and 9:00. We shut our doors at 9:00, so if you are late please go to the office to sign your child in. Our class can be accessed via the KS1 playground , and through the Hive corridor. Our provision closes at 3:00 and children will be picked up via the same route. Each morning we start our day with a 'welcome morning session'. We have short carpet sessions throughout the day, which are engaging and also fit to the childs needs. We have snacktime during the morning, and we will provide your child with fruit and milk. If you would like, you can bring in your own healthy snack and a bottle of water. Children also have access to continuous provision, which helps them to develop skills through play.
Within our provision, we use a more personalised learning approach to help children learn and develop at their own pace. Our aim is to help all the children within the provision to reach their full potential. We also ensure that all children have the time towork on their own personalised targets within the school day. Our provision offers a calm space to enable children to achieve the best in their learning, as well as in their development.
Staff are always available to help with any queries or concerns.
In the Rainbow provision, we focus on the core subject areas which include Literacy, Maths and Phonics. In addition, we also prioritise developing the childrens social, language and communication skills and key skills. Our Pe day is on a Monday. Your child can come into school in their PE kit, please can you ensure this is the correct school PE kit. This includes a white t-shirt, black or navy shorts/tracksuit bottoms and appropriate footwear trainers/pumps. Our PE sessions focus on developing the childrens gross and fine motor skills through sensory circuits and ball skills.
Please see attached our half-termly newsletters to see what we are getting up to each half term!
Drinks and Snacks
- Please provide your child with a bottle of water everyday. This can be refilled by an adult throughout the day
- As part of a healthy school, we ask that you provide your child with healthy snacks/lunch
Files to Download
The Rainbow Room: News items
Spring 1 Sports Clubs, by Mrs Campbell
Banned - Magnetic Fidget Beads, by Miss Granger
Swimming Breakfast and Afterschool Club, by Mrs Campbell
The Rainbow Room: Display work items
There are no Display work items to display