Inclusion / SEND
Special Educational Needs and Disability, please click this link
Equality Objectives, please click this link
SEMH Alternative Provision (The Hive), please click this link
Resourced Provision (Acorn Rooms), please click this link
Our SEND Policy can be found by clicking this link
Our SEND Information Report can be found by clicking this link
“This school provides excellent provision for children with SEND and support for vulnerable, disadvantaged children and their families. Inclusion is central to the school ethos.” (SENDIA, 19th June 2019)
According to our latest OFSTED Report in Oct 2023:
“The school has high expectations of what pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), can achieve. Most pupils achieve well across the curriculum.”
“The school, governors and trustees have a shared vision that all pupils, including those in Inspection report: Newall Green Primary School 11 and 12 October 2023 2 the specially resourced provision for pupils with SEND (specially resourced provision), will achieve their very best. “
“The school is quick to identify pupils who may have additional needs. Staff work diligently with external agencies, parents and carers to ensure that they understand pupils’ needs well. Staff are suitably trained to adapt their delivery of the curriculum to successfully meet these needs. Most pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as their peers. Pupils in the specially resourced provision benefit from learning that is carefully broken down into small, achievable steps. This helps many of these pupils to join their peers in the mainstream classrooms for part of the curriculum. Pupils with SEND are included in all aspects of school life.”
Newall Green Primary School is a mainstream primary school that caters for children from 3-11 years old. We also have a Resource Provision for children in EYFS and KS1 with social, communication and learning difficulties. Places for this are allocated through the Local Authority for children who already have Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). In addition, we have an Alternative Provision for children with Social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH), places for this provision are allocated through Bridgelea Placement Panel or via a Tier 2 intervention, which can be arranged by contacting our AP lead. Newall Green Primary School is an inclusive school, we believe in providing every possible opportunity to develop the full potential of all children. We aim to celebrate effort as much as achievement. At Newall Green Primary School, we have a SEND Team who co-ordinate Special Educational Needs and Disability Provision across the school:
The Executive Head with responsibility for inclusion is Sarah Rudd
The SENDCos are: -
Miss Kirstie McKenzie
Role: Assistant Headteacher/ Inclusion Manager/RP Lead
Working Days: Monday to Friday
Miss Clare Mullally
Role: SENDCo for EYFS/KS1
Working Days: Monday to Wednesday
Mrs Vicki Murphy
Role: SENDCo for KS2
Working Days: Wednesday to Friday
Mr Alec Smith
Role: Deputy Headteacher/AP Lead
Working Days: Monday to Friday
The SEND Governor is: Liz Mulligan
We support pupils with SEND in many different ways:
Please find further information in our SEND Policy, SEND Information Report and by clicking this link: Manchester Local Offer explained
- IAS, Formerly Parent Partnership – 0161 209 8356 –
- Manchester Families Service Directory – for Information click here
- Autistic Society Greater Manchester – 0161 866 8483
- The British Dyslexia Association – 0845 251 9002
- The Dyspraxia Foundation – 01462 455016
- Headway: The Brain Injury Association – 0808 800 2244
- Lancasterian Sensory Support Service – 0161 445 0123
- Living with ADHD –
- Manchester Autism Resource Centre – 0161 945 0040
- Manchester Asian Parents Carers Project – 0161 227 8708
- Manchester Mencap – 0161 728 8109
- Manchester Speech and Language Therapy Service – 0161 248 1208
- National Autistic Society, Greater Manchester – 0161 998 4667
- National Blind Children’s Society – 0800 781 1444
- National Deaf Children’s Society – 0808 800 8880
- National Down’s Syndrome Society – 0333 1212 300
- South Manchester Down’s Syndrome Support Group – 07593 542 107
- Rodney House Pre-school Outreach Team – 0161 230 6854
- SEND Local Offer Hub Drop In Sessions – 0161 998 7280
- The Sensory Team at Manchester City Council – 0161 219 2658
- Sleep Manchester (sleep problems) – 0161 448 8895
- Statutory Assessment Service – 0161 245 7439