School Governors

Governors Board

Our Governors

Thank you for taking the time to find out about the Governors here at Newall Green Primary School. We wish a warm welcome to you all on behalf of the Governors the School. As you are aware we are a large primary school with over 700 pupils attending the school. Our role as Governors is to ensure that each child within school has a safe, friendly learning environment in which they can do their best to learn. The school mission statement has been written by the Governors and pupils so that we listen to the children within our school and from this set plans so we can lead the school to be the best it can.

We work together as a team to support the Head Teacher and the teaching staff in their day today roles and to provide a vision for learning within the school. We welcome your thoughts and we are always glad to listen to what parents have to say. 

The current team along with their responsibilities can be found here.

If you are interested in finding out more about the role of a Governor or if you have any questions or ideas that you wish to share with the Governing body please contact the school office. Alternatively the following document outlines The knowledge, skills and behaviours needed for effective governance in maintained schools, academies and multi-academy trusts.  

Copies of the minutes from Governors meetings are available on request from:


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Our Mission Statement...

At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are ‘Aiming High to Reach Our Goals’.

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