School Day
The official start of the compulsory day is 8.45am and ends at 3.15pm for ALL children. The total teaching time in a week amounts to 32.5 hours.
If your child arrives in school between 9.00am - 9.30am, they will receive a late mark.
Any child arriving after 9.30am will receive an absent mark for that morning (this is a legal requirement). PLEASE REMEMBER FIVE MINUTES CAN MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE TO A CHILD'S ATTENDANCE.
TIME TABLE FOR KS1 Start 8.45am
TIME TABLE FOR KS2 Start at 8.45am
Drop-off and collection
At the beginning and end of the school day, parents are encouraged into the playground. This helps to build up a close relationship between home and school – we want to have good links with all parents. If normal arrangements have to be altered (eg you are delayed or another person is collecting your child) please let us know. This avoids any confusion or upset.
Getting to school
To get to and from school, walking is definitely the best option! There are lots of benefits: it’s healthier than travelling by car, it improves the safety of pedestrians and road-users, and it respects nearby residents and parking regulations. Alternatively, we have bike-racks. If you do need to travel by car, please park wisely.
Problems caused by inconsiderate and/or illegal parking in the vicinity of school during morning drop off and afternoon pick up are a constant cause of complaints to the majority of schools in Manchester. Parking illegally or inconsiderately not only causes inconvenience to local residents and undermines the school's efforts to be a good neighbour but creates road safety issues, including danger to crossing patrols and pedestrians crossing roads.
Please consider these issues when parking. This may mean parking a little further away from the school. In all cases please ensure that you obey the following which form rule 243 of the Highway Code:-
DO NOT stop or park:-
· Near a school entrance
· Anywhere you would prevent access for emergency services
· At or near a bus or tram stop or taxi rank
· Opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction except in an authorised parking space
· Near the brow of a hill or hump back bridge
· Opposite a traffic island or (if this would cause an obstruction) another parked vehicle.
· Where a kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users and powered mobility vehicles
· In front of an entrance to a property
· On a bend
· Where you would obstruct cyclists’ use of cycle facilities except when forced to do so by stationary traffic.
Under no circumstances should vehicles stop or park on the yellow school "keep clear" markings on a pedestrian crossing or where they would interfere with a school crossing patrol. By parking in a legal and considerate manner, congestion will be reduced and safety increased along with enjoying the benefits of easy access to and from school.