Links for Families

BBC Tiny Happy People is part of BBC Education, providing evidence based, accessible activities, tips and advice to empower parents / carers to support the speech, language and emotional development of their little ones from bump to 5 years.  The BBC Tiny Happy initiative aims to reduce the number of children starting primary school without the expected levels of communication skills by supporting parents / families to help develop their little ones’ vocabulary in the home learning environment.

Start for Life home - NHS (  Start for Life provides trusted NHS help and advice to parents and focuses on the key topics of breastfeeding, introducing solid foods and developing communication, language and literacy skills through encouraging parents to chat, play and read with their children.

Launching Start for Life, the new home learning environment campaign | National Literacy Trust  Accessible resources for parents, carers and early years settings with children aged 0-5.  Start for Life is designed to encourage parents to chat, play and read more with their children, developing their communication, language and literacy skills before starting school.

Every child starts school ready to learn - The Ten Top Tips series developed by Greater Manchester Combined Authority are a series of easy to access resources. These include presentations settings can share with parents and posters and leaflets in a range of languages.

The Childcare Choices campaign raises awareness and understanding of the government childcare support for parents to help them with the costs of childcare and drives them to the website to check the support they might be eligible for. The parent leaflet will soon be translated into 11 different languages which will be hosted here.

Family Action Wythenshawe Children's Centres are a one stop shop for parents, carers and their children under 5. Find out more about the ways they can support you and your family by watching this video. It is easy to register by completing the registration form.



Our Mission Statement...

At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are ‘Aiming High to Reach Our Goals’.

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