Latest Covid-19 Guidance for Parent s / Carers from Public Health Manchester

Public Health
PO Box 532, Town Hall Manchester M60 2LA
2 March 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you all had a wonderful break.

As you are aware, the Prime Minister has set out the next phase of the government’s Covid-19 response ‘living with Covid’ . You can read all about what this means for your child's setting in the government guidance document: What parents and carers need to know about early years providers, schools and colleges.

I want to thank you and your children again for the efforts you have made to help reduce the spread of the virus, and your ongoing support to our schools throughout the last two years.

As we begin this next phase, I am asking you to continue to support school leaders to keep infection low in their settings by following the government advice for COVID-19: people with COVID-19 and their contacts and ensuring that:

• If your child is showing symptoms of coronavirus they stay at home, and you book a PCR test for them.
• If your child tests positive, they stay at home and isolate for the required period.

Keeping your child at home if they are showing symptoms or have tested positive is key to reducing the spread of infection and protecting others in the community. The above guidance documents explain that school leaders can take the decision to send a child home/not to allow a child to attend school, if in their reasonable judgement, it is necessary to protect other pupils and staff from possible infection with Covid-19 where a pupil has symptoms or has tested positive.

While Covid-19 is typically mild or asymptomatic in most young people it can be very unpleasant for some. We also know young people are missing out on the things they want to do because of Covid-related illness.

Everyone aged 12 and over (and some children aged 5-11) can now get the vaccine and this is one of the most important things we can do to protect ourselves from becoming seriously unwell from the virus. By getting vaccinated, you reduce the risk of passing on the infection to your family, friends and others you come into contact with. If you yourself are yet to have your first, second or booster jabs, I urge you to do so as soon as possible.

Children and young people can get vaccinated through their school programme or at one of Manchester’s local vaccination centres. Two doses are being offered to children aged 12 to 15 to give them the best protection against Covid-19. One dose of the Covid-19 vaccine gives good protection against getting seriously ill but two doses gives stronger and longer-lasting protection.

If your child is eligible for their first or second vaccine, they do not have to wait for the session in school and can attend a local walk-in vaccination clinic. You can:

• Book a vaccination appointment online at a vaccination centre or a local vaccination site by visiting or calling 119. The National Booking System is a quick and easy way to arrange an appointment.
• Visit a local walk-in clinics - Walk in COVID-19 vaccination clinics | COVID-19 Vaccination Programme | Manchester City Council.
• Call the Manchester Covid-19 Helpline which is for anyone who needs help with booking a vaccination or has questions. Advice is provided by a nursing team and a translation service is available. Call free on 0800 840 3858 or text: 07890 036 892. Open 7 days a week 9am-5pm.

Manchester is also offering a free service for individuals and families who could not usually get to or from a vaccination centre walking, driving or using public transport for jabs - find out more - free taxi service.

More information about vaccinations for 12-15 year olds can be found on the NHS website -

I know the last two years have been especially tough for children and young people and as outlined in my last letter, it is great to see a gradual return to normality so they can benefit from new experiences and opportunities.

Thank you for your continued support

Yours sincerely,
David Regan
Director of Public Health for Manchester

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