Track & Trace - Self Isolation
Dear Parents/Carers,
We currently have a number of positive cases of Covid19 in our school and we would like to clarify with you all how we receive our information for Track and Trace. Every individual case is different and dates of isolation are determined on whether or not the person has symptoms or not. It also depends on when they have taken their test. Whether that be because they have no symptoms and are in the LFT twice a week testing programme, or whether they have symptoms and have to book a full PCR test. It is extremely important that we get this process correct.
We do a thorough research of who that person has been in contact with and come to a decision of who we have to isolate and for how long their isolation should be. If you think that dates don’t add up or there is something you may wish to question, please ring school and speak to us. We understand that all our parents have an opinion but our staff are the people who hold all the facts of each individual person and can answer all of your questions correctly.
The Parent Facebook Hub page has caused us unnecessary work and having to justify our decisions to angry parents hasn’t been easy. We ask that you trust our decisions, we are trying to keep every one of you safe.
All children who are off self-isolating can access their online learning each day. If you have not got a device to do this, then please feel free to collect a laptop from school. If you cannot access online learning, work packs are also available. If you have a child off isolating and a child who should be attending school and are finding it difficult, you may keep both children off and they can both take part in online learning. If this is something that you want to do, please make sure that you inform school.
Can we also please remind you that 96% of all new Covid-19 cases are the Delta variant and is four times more transmissible to one another.
Please make sure that if you are entering the school grounds you must wear a face mask to keep yourself and others as safe as possible.
One last point. There seems to be some confusion with testing - If anybody has symptoms or feels unwell you must book a full PCR test online or by ringing 119, do not rely on a LFT if you have symptoms.
We would like to thank our parents/carers and families for their support. Please take care and stay safe.