Our News items
St Paul's Catholic High School Coffee Mornings, by Miss Redford
World Book Day Book Review Winners, by Miss Redford
World Book Day, by Miss Granger
Oxford Owl Reading Resources for Home, by Miss Redford
World Book Day - Dress up 3/3/23, by Miss Redford
100% Attendance Winners, by Miss Redford
Information for Parents / Carers re: Potential Strike Action, by Mrs Redford
Advice From Proud Trust, by Mrs Redford
Improving Attendance & Punctuality Letter for Parents, by Mrs Redford
Jobs and Training for 16-19 Year Olds, by Mrs Redford
Re-sharing Year 6 Leavers Assembly, by Mrs Redford
FREE Bowen Christmas Camp, by Mrs Redford
Community Santa Drive Helper, by Mrs Redford
Cost of Living information including free warm spaces and free data and internet SIMs, by Mrs Redford
Cost of Living and Manchesters Advice Line, by Mrs Redford
Community Santa, by Mrs Redford
News For SEND Families From Manchester Local Offer, by Mrs Redford
Get help to buy food and milk (the Healthy Start scheme), by Mrs Redford
Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue - Bonfire Safety Campaign, by Mrs Redford
Volunteering Opportunity Wythenshawe Adults 25+, by Mrs Redford
Parent Governor Vacancy, by Miss Redford
Big Health Challenge Award for Newall Green Primary School, by Miss Redford
GCSE Results 2022 - Newall Green Primary Past Pupils, by Miss Redford