MCR Active - October Half- Term Holiday Activities

The October Half Term is fast approaching. MCRactive and Manchester City Council are offering thousands of FREE places for children eligible for benefits-related free school meals. Activities will range from Sport and Physical Activities, Arts and Crafts and much more. In addition to the activities, their booked place will include a FREE meal during the day.

For more information & to book your child’s space*: You will need to sign up for an MCRactive Go account (sign in) to book free October Half Term activities. Once signed up, log into your account – Find Activities – Search by Category ‘MCR Holiday Activity’ - . Use code: 663587 to book free eligible activities. Please also visit to view additional FREE holiday activities and other opportunities taking place across the city.

*Please only book your child onto a holiday camp if they will be attending. Spaces at each camp are limited. If you book a space and your child can no longer attend, please cancel your space as far in advance as possible, to allow the opportunity for another child to take their space at the activity and free meal.

Kind Regards


To sign up for an MCRactive Go account visit Once signed up, log
into the account – Find Activities – Search by Category ‘MCR Holiday Activity’ Use code when
asked: 663587 to book free eligible activities. Book now button will only show if you have
people within the correct age parameter of the session.

• Multi Party booking is now available, you can book in more than one person in each session.

• Confirmation email will be sent for all bookings (If no confirmation is received your booking is
not complete and you may need to use the MCRactive app or allow your phone to allow pops

• The MCRactive webpage has site assist built into it to assist needs and make the website
accessible (including change of language, colour schemes, font sizes).

Unable to complete booking (or no confirmation received)

• If this is the case, please check your internet settings on your computer or smartphone.
• If you have pop ups blocked this will prevent you from completing the booking.

• You can unblock pop ups or download the MCRactive Go app, on the app you will not come
across this.

Book now booking disappears (or does not show)

• All our sessions have age/gender validation.

• If the book now button is not showing or if it disappears, please check you have members on
your account that matches the age/gender validation.

• Parents/carers will not be able to book a child’s session unless the child is added to the count
and meets the validation requirement.

• You can add a family member to your account when you log in under >Settings >Family Account
> Add New family Member

• If a session becomes full, the book now button will also disappear.

Need assistance with booking/ Accessibility

• The website has a function in the top right corner called Site
Assist. Here you can change the website language to over 200 different languages.

• This function Will also read the website out to you in over 75 languages.

• Here you can change the Font and colour of the webpage if this supports you.
Email/ Password not recognised for Residents

• Make sure you are logging on to

• Please do not copy and paste your email into this box, this sometimes adds an extra space at the
beginning or end of your email which creates a validation issue.

• Please do not select your email from your phone if it has stored it, this sometimes adds an extra
space at the beginning or end of your email which creates a validation issue.

• Please select forgotten password, you will receive an email with a password reset link. (This may
land in your junk/spam mailbox).


Our Mission Statement...

At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are ‘Aiming High to Reach Our Goals’.

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