Our News items
Get help to buy food and milk (the Healthy Start scheme), by Mrs Redford
Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue - Bonfire Safety Campaign, by Mrs Redford
Volunteering Opportunity Wythenshawe Adults 25+, by Mrs Redford
Parent Governor Vacancy, by Miss Redford
Big Health Challenge Award for Newall Green Primary School, by Miss Redford
GCSE Results 2022 - Newall Green Primary Past Pupils, by Miss Redford
Cost of Living Crisis Help and Support, by Miss Redford
Nursery & Reception Open Afternoon 5 October 2022, by Miss Redford
Go Fund Me - Bring Them Home - Missing Pupils, by Miss Redford
Lunchtime Organiser Vacancy, by Miss Redford
Thrive Manchester September newsletter, by Miss Redford
School Newsletter 16/09/22, by Miss Redford
Cost of Living Crisis - Drop in Session Wythenshawe Forum, by Miss Redford
Children arriving after 9am, by Miss Redford
We wish to share our condolences on the passing of Her Majesty The Queen, after her long and dedicated reign., by Miss Redford
St Pauls High School Open Evening 15/09/22, by Miss Redford
Reading Eggs Service Ending, by Miss Redford
St Pauls High and Newall Green Primary Reading Scheme, by Miss Redford
Sports for Schools Sponsor Success!, by Miss Redford
MCRActive Summer Holiday Sessions - Age 11-18, by Miss Redford
MCRActive Summer Holiday Sessions Age 5-11, by Miss Redford
Suspicious Persons - Update, by Miss Redford
Sports for Schools Athlete Visit 29 June 2022, by Miss Redford
Mcr Active: HOLIDAY ACTIVITY , by Miss Redford