6JM: News items
Gaming & Social Media Age Restrictions, by Miss Redford
Year 6 Leavers Letter, by Miss Redford
Covid 19 School Broadcast - Updated Guidance from Manchester Council - 07 July 2021, by Miss Redford
Year 6 Residential - Update, by Miss Redford
Parents of Year 5 & 6 Pupils - Behaviour Incidents, by Miss Redford
Circuit Breaker - School Closure until Nov 9 2020, by Miss Redford
Confirmed Case of Covid in 5JE and the POD, by Miss Redford
Year 6 Covid Closure, by Miss Redford
Online KS3 Maths Course for Parents (supporting years 6-9), by Miss Redford
Reminders and messages, by Mrs Campbell
Autumn term knowledge organisers, by Mrs Campbell
Autumn Newsletter, by Mrs Campbell
We are very social...