Parents of Year 5 & 6 Pupils - Behaviour Incidents
Dear Year 5 and 6 Parents and Carers
Unfortunately our full return to school has been marred by a few incidents happening whilst children are coming and going to and from school. Whilst we understand that many pupils want to exercise some independence before they start at high school, we must clarify that they are their parents/carers responsibility outside the school hours of 8.50am to 3pm. If you do not feel that your child is responsible enough to make their way to and from school without any behaviour issues, please accompany them to the classroom and collect them from there, or use the Breakfast and After School Club facilities.
Please also be aware that incidents arising between pupils on social media (such as WhatsApp/Xbox) outside school hours are also the responsibility of parents and carers. Whilst we will always try to resolve any issues in school that have started online, we urge parents and carers to be vigilant about their children’s’ access to social media apps and sites and to monitor their activity so that problems are avoided. See the table below for age guidance.
Thank you for your cooperation.
We are very social...