Eco-Garden Launch Day
Lesson: Learning Outside the Classroom
Dear Parents and Carers,
Last Friday, the school's Eco-Councillors welcomed representatives from Manchester Airport, Endress+Hauser, Mike Kane MP and some of the School's Governers.
We officially opened up the Eco-Garden, a porject to provide the children with a space to learn outdoors and connect with nature. Our guests were given a tour of the space by our enthusiastic Eco-Councillors, who showed them how we will use the space in the future.
The school want to give a huge thank you to Manchester Airport for their funding and support, as well as Endress+Hauser for providing volunteer days to help us move the project forward.
A big thank you is also there for Robert and Simon, our Site Management Team, for the dedication they have shown to make the space safe for our pupils.