Our News items
Sponsored Walk, by Miss Granger
A huge thank you from Wythenshawe Foodbank!, by Miss Granger
Change for Life Sports Festival, by Mrs Redford
FACE - Family Advice, by Miss Granger
National Numeracy Parental Engagement Project, by Miss Granger
Diwali Celebration Day, by Miss Granger
Lets Recycle, by Miss Granger
International Mens Day, by Miss Granger
KS1 Year 1 & 2 Glow Disco 9/11/23 4-5pm, by Mrs Redford
School Photographs 10/11/23, by Mrs Redford
Keeping Safe Online - Workshop 9.00am on 16/11/23, by Mrs Redford
Manchester Airport Jobs Fair, by Miss Granger
Coffee Morning - Forum Library, by Miss Granger
Children in Need, by Miss Granger
Nursery Open Day, by Miss Granger
Supporting the wellbeing of children, by Miss Granger
Leon Baptiste - 19.10.23, by Miss Granger
PSHE, by Miss Granger
Burns Awareness Day, by Miss Granger
Harvest Festival 2023, by Mrs Redford
Inspection of Newall Green Primary School by Ofsted, by Mrs Redford
MCR Active - October Half- Term Holiday Activities, by Mrs Redford
Housing Advice - Drop In Session - 3 November 2023, by Mrs Redford
Fun Palaces - Saturday 7th October, by Miss Granger