Welcome Back - Returning to School on 8 March 2021
Dear Parents & Carers,
The Government have asked us to open school for all children to return on the 8th March 2021.
I am sure that you will have many questions as guidance seems to change on a weekly basis. I am also sure some of you may feel a little anxious about the return. Others will be glad that teaching in the lounge will stop and the mornings will not be as hectic trying to get a number of children on-line, at the right time doing the right thing.
Thank you for all the time, hard work and dedication you have shown - being our teaching assistants - whilst your children have been learning on line or using work packs. You have tirelessly taken up the challenges and have found skills and creativity I bet some never thought they had! Your children have been amazing but I am sure they are excited about being back in school, seeing their friends and seeing their teachers face to face. We have posted a returning to school story on our website and Facebook page that you can share with your child or children before they come back to school if they feel a little nervous about returning.
It’s back to bubbles, face masks, 2 metre distancing, temperature checks and staggered starts or pick-ups. We have had 200 children of keyworkers in school so please be assured it is safe when everyone follows the rules.
Again we ask that you support us in keeping everyone safe by;
• Wearing your face mask as you drop your child off or pick your child up from school
• Wearing your face mask as you speak to your child’s class teacher
• Wearing your face mask whilst you are on school grounds
• Only one parent / carer accompanying children to drop off / collect
• Please avoid standing in a group outside the classroom door
• Please continue to limit the number of people in the entrance at the office
• Please continue to use hand gel as you enter or leave school
• Please support us to help your child or children catch up missed learning through intervention clubs which the teachers will arrange with you.
Some year groups will need staggered start and finish times– we will contact you so you know what to do if your child is in Nursery, Reception or Year 2. Everyone else remains the same as before, 8.50am drop off, 3pm finish for KS2 3.15pm finish for KS1.
The Government have put back into place all attendance rules as they have the expectation that all children will return to school. From the 8 March 2021 on-line learning will only be available for those children who have provided school with a new extended shielding letter, have evidence that they have tested positive for Covid19 or are required to self-isolate due to being a close contact of a positive case. This evidence would be a track and trace email or text or a confirmation text for a booked Covid test. Evidence must be provided at the School Office or by emailing: l.redford@newallgreen.manchester.sch.uk
I know it has not been an easy time for anyone. My thanks again for all your support and the many kind words that have been passed on. The staff during have really felt supported by you all and this has helped them to do their best for your children under extremely difficult and challenging circumstances. We are really looking forward to seeing all of our children again, let’s work together to ensure that we can return as safely as possible.
Sarah Rudd
Executive Head Teacher