Parent Governor Vacancy

Dear Parents and Carers,

Parent Governor Vacancies

We currently have a vacancy for a Parent Governor. Being a Governor is an important role in the life of the school as Governors work with the Headteacher in setting the overall direction of travel of the school. Governors are involved in important decisions about the curriculum, staff appointments, the budget of the school, and expenditure on the premises of the school. They discuss student achievement and support and take an interest in the ways the school is continuing to maintain high standards. They support the Headteacher and School Leadership Team as they lead the school. We would like the members of the Governing Body to continue to represent the excellent diversity of our intake and want anyone who has time to offer and a passion for our distinctive Peace Mala School to feel able to offer their services in this key role. In particular we currently need people who have the availability during the day to help with staff recruitment interviews. We also need people with financial and premises expertise. A wide variety of other skills are very welcome.

Are you interested? If you are interested in becoming a Parent Governor but feel a little daunted by the responsibility you may be taking on, remember that full training will be available, and you will always act as part of a team. No particular experience or qualifications are required. Your role would be as a typical parent bringing a parent’s perspective to the running of the Governing Body and the school.

Your Commitment If you become a Governor you will be taking on the following commitments to help make sure the school is well managed:

· Share the responsibilities of the Governing Body as summarised above.

· Attend and participate in meetings on a regular basis – Governors attend full Governing Body meetings and are normally a member of a committees in addition to the full Governing Body meeting.

· Undergo appropriate training

· You may also be invited to sit on appointment or other panels

· You will be required to sign the Governing Body’s code of practice, and to apply for a DBS enhanced disclosure.

What do you need to do next? Read the appendix files attached below (available in MS Word or PDF format) this letter which explains the process for appointing Parent Governors.

The nomination period will open on Monday 10th October 2022 and close on Friday 21st October 2022


If you would like to know more about the role of a Parent Governor or the appointment process you are welcome to contact the Clerk to the Governors on:

Yours sincerely,

Mrs S. Rudd

Executive Headteacher

Files to Download

Our Mission Statement...

At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are ‘Aiming High to Reach Our Goals’.

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