Nursery Roof Building Works
For the attention of all Parents/Carers,
I just wanted to inform you that when the children return to school after the half term
holiday, there will be some building work taking place on the Nursery Roof. It has
been leaking for many years and has now come to the end of its life. Therefore, we
have allocated the money to have it replaced.
The contractors that are carrying out the work are very professional and highly
skilled workmen. They have done numerous jobs on school roofs whilst the school
remains open. The safety of the children, parents and staff are paramount to all
Risk assessments have been carried out and we can assure you that the children
will be safe whilst this work is being done. No plant equipment or vehicles will be
moved around the site during the beginning and end of the day. Also, when the
children are taken over to the dining room from the Early Years building there will be
no movement. The contractors will be erecting a walkway above the pedestrian
path so that they are not crossing any pathways with tools or resources.
If you have any concerns, please email and
we will answer any queries you may have.
Dianne Harris
Mrs Dianne Harris
School Business Manager