Head's Update 12/3/21 - First week back
Dear Parents / Carers
We have had a great week back in school. The wet and windy weather has been a challenge but we have all managed.
If you find that every afternoon your child is coming home with a wet coat and wet shoes I do apologise. School have increased the number of times the children are in the fresh air to make sure we reduce any Covid 19 risks.
If you run out of uniform or your child’s school shoes are wet we do not mind if you send your child in clothes that are not school uniform. Please try to keep to dark colours and no football shirts thank you. We would much rather your child be in school not in uniform - than sat at home.
We fully appreciate you are not able to buy new shoes or uniforms easily as the shops are still closed. Let’s hope we have better weather next week.
Thank you for your continued support. Enjoy your weekend.
Sarah Rudd
Executive Head Teacher