Half Term Free School Meals

Manchester Council - We will provide free school meals during the half-term break (26 to 30 October 2020) for children who are eligible for an income related free school meal. You will receive £15 for each eligible child in your household. Eligible families will have been receiving a means tested free school meal from the school. 

This doesn't include children in reception, year one and two, who get free school meals as part of the universal scheme. 

Manchester Council have a list of eligible children across schools in the city and will check applications against this list. 

The period you can claim for 

This scheme only covers the October half term break from 26 to 30 October 2020. 

We will accept backdated applications until 6pm on Friday 13 November.  

Apply here: https://secure.manchester.gov.uk/info/500290/school_meals/8047/half-term_free_school_meals

The claim can be paid directly into your bank account or we can arrange a voucher that you can cash in a number of local shops.

Applications received after 4 November and before the scheme closes on Friday 13 November will also be paid as soon as possible. 


Our Mission Statement...

At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are ‘Aiming High to Reach Our Goals’.

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