Daily Update 10/09/20
Hello from Newall Green Primary School.
No new cases reported to us today.
Parents are doing an excellent job with monitoring their children’s health, at the first sign of a symptom on the list have organised tests through 119.
All tests so far have been clear. It is a hard job as a parent because the symptoms, for children, are so like the common cold.
Most parents are remembering not to get into groups outside gate ways and also for only one adult from a family to drop off and pick up. This is a great help to us as we keep the 2 metre distancing rules.
On the news this morning the talk was all about 6 in a house hold and no more. I know some of our families have more than 6 people living in a house and I can only suggest that you carry on social distancing, washing hands and not going to other peoples houses for social gatherings. I don’t thing the Government want house hold members removing just to comply with their new directive!!
Parents of older children please keep them in so that they are not meeting up and spreading the virus. We can provide lots of home work to keep them occupied!! Rockstars timestable challenges and Reading Eggs are also still available to use at home.
We thought we would try having children come to school in their PE kit on the day of PE; so that children did not have to change and also so that no mix ups in clothing would occur. Please look at the school website to check which day your child has PE. They should come in pumps or trainers and wear jogging bottoms or shorts but please no football kits.
Have a good day
Sarah Rudd
Executive Head Teacher