Covid Update 08/09/20
Dear Parents
Just to let you know since yesterday’s Covid case the school has had a ‘deep clean’ to make sure that it was safe for the children to return.
1KF has had the surface virus check and this has indicated there is no presence of Covid in the room – it has also been resprayed and that protection will last for 30 days.
To confirm the virus was not caught in the school setting. The family concerned had taken all the necessary precautions to make sure that they did not have Covid and had been for tests which had been negative. The child also had no signs of Covid. Following another track and trace incident a second test revealed a positive result. The family acted sensibly and informed us as soon as they could.
As we move forward – we need to remind parents that if they feel they need a Covid test – please don’t send your child to school until it has been confirmed that the adults in the house don’t have Covid. If a member of the household does have Covid – please ring school as early as possible.
We will send a message out to parents as early as we can so that work arrangements can be organised.
We will update as soon as we can through the school day. As you will have seen on the news – 10 schools were in a similar position in Manchester which meant the health Team could not deal with the incoming enquires and it was not until after lunch that we were able to go through our risk assessment with the team and get the go- ahead for certain classes to return to school.
IKF – we are in the process of making sure we have each child’s email address so that home learning can take place whilst the children are at home until the 21st September. Miss Finlan thinks she should be ready to teach on-line tomorrow but we will keep you updated with this.
Manchester City Council have a press officer and all press releases from school need to go through the council. Our alert message was sent directly to the Manchester Evening News by someone who was in receipt of the alert messages. We use these systems to quickly alert parents and communicate with you as quickly and efficiently as we can. If we want to send a press alert out we will do this in our own time with guidance from Manchester City Council.
Sarah Rudd
Executive Head Teacher