Confirmed Case of Covid in POD & 5JE
Dear Parent, Carer of children in THE POD and 5JE,
There has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 within our POD and 5JE bubbles
We have followed the national guidance and have identified that the children in THE POD and 5JE have been in CLOSE CONTACT with the affected person. In line with the national guidance we recommend that the children in THE POD and 5JE now stay at home and self-isolate until MONDAY 26th OCTOBER.
Obviously this is half term so children will not come back to school until Monday 2nd November.
We are asking you to do this to reduce the further spread of COVID-19 to others in the community.
If your child is well at the end of the 14 days period of self isolation, then they can return to usual activities. A negative test does not mean that your child can return to school earlier that the 14 days.
Other members of your household can continue normal activities provided your child does not develop symptoms with the 14 day isolation period.
If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19 they should remain at home for at least 10 days from the date the symptoms appeared and arrange for a test. All other household members should then self-isolate for 14 days. Testing can be arranged by calling 119 or via the NHS website:
There are a few things we can all do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with COVID-19:
· Wash your hands with soap and water often - do this for at least 20 seconds
· Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
· Wash your hands as soon as you get home
· Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue of your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze.
· Put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
· Maintain an appropriate social distance with non-household members of over 2 metres.
Further information is available at
Your sincerely
Sarah Rudd
Executive Headteacher