Coming soon.... Ride it Out (1st - 31st March)

This March everyone is invited to sign up for Ride it Out – a month of reasons to get back in the saddle! Or even for the first time.

๐Ÿงก Ride HEALTHY – ride your bike to sleep better, live longer and smile wider

๐ŸŒˆ Ride RELAXED – it’s not all about how fast or how far, shift down a gear and enjoy your ride

๐ŸŒ Ride GREEN – ditch the car and try one of your regular journeys by bike

โ˜€๏ธ Ride FREE – big or small, this week is all about adventure and going somewhere new to you by bike

There will be some great prizes on offer as well. It only takes 30 seconds to register at: 


Love to Ride is working in partnership with Transport for Greater Manchester and the Ride it Out event is free for all businesses, organisations and people who live or work in Greater Manchester. 

There are a range of promotional materials on the Love to Ride Resources page.  


About Ride it Out      

Ride it Out is a challenge designed to motivate riders, new and seasoned, to enjoy all the benefits of biking. From the physical and mental benefits through to the fun and adventurous, riding a bike is a great way to help people get healthier and happier whilst helping the planet too. It’s a great way to grow participation significantly at the start of the biking season and support people to ride their bikes when they need it the most. Together we can prepare people for a long spring and summer of cycling.


Here’s some info to get started:

โ—  Ride it Out is a month-long challenge to motivate riders to enjoy all the benefits of biking as the weather begins to improve. Hello spring!

โ—  It’s a tough old world out there right now but we know that getting more people to ride their bikes can help. From health and fitness benefits to reducing stress and anxiety, bikes are a great tool to help people through lockdown and emerge with new fun habits.

โ—  Everyone can join in – it doesn’t matter if people ride every day or haven’t been on a bike in years, they just register at

โ—  Each week will have a different theme designed to help people rediscover the joys of cycling as restrictions ease (hopefully) and the weather warms.

โ—  We’ll have some exciting prizes on offer for riders who take part…more on that soon!


Ride it Out is split into 4 weeks, each with its own motivation to start riding a bike.


Week 1 – Ride HEALTHY – an opportunity to saddle up and enjoy the all the awesome health & fitness benefits of biking like living longer, sleeping better and boosting your immune system.  


Week 2 – Ride RELAXED – an invitation to shift down a gear and appreciate the wellbeing aspects of riding a bike. We’ll be slowing the pace to destress, reconnect with the outdoors and (restrictions permitting) share a ride with someone else. 


Week 3 – Ride GREEN – a chance to trial switching a regular car or public transport journey to bike. It’s a challenge that’s great for the planet and frees up room on public transport for key workers!


Week 4 – Ride FREE – a week of adventure! Big or small, this week is about doing something or going somewhere new by bike.

For more information please contact


Our Mission Statement...

At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are โ€˜Aiming High to Reach Our Goalsโ€™.

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