Circuit Breaker - School Closure until Nov 9 2020

October 23rd 2020

Important Information for all parents

Dear Parents and Carers

Thank you for your help and cooperation this term. It has been great to see everyone working together to become familiar with the new way things are being done in and around the school, and to see the children enjoying the benefits of being with friends and back in education.

As you are aware, we have had a number of positive Covid-19 cases within the school community since the start of term in September. These cases have included pupils and members of staff. As you can imagine, I am really concerned about these increasing numbers and the impact of the bubble closures on our children.

We have therefore made the decision to close the school for an additional five days following the half term break. This means that all children will return to school on Monday 9th November 2020.

I appreciate this is very short notice for families, but there is an opportunity to have a full two-week ‘circuit-breaker’, which we hope will stop the virus spreading further in our school. It will also allow us to complete a thorough deep clean.

Children will be provided with work through Microsoft Teams for their education between the 2nd  and the 6th of November. Work packs can be collected between 10am – 2pm on Friday 30th October if you are unable to access Microsoft teams.

In order for this circuit breaker to have an impact, we ask that all families stick to the Tier 3 Restrictions outlined by the government for residents of Greater Manchester. This includes:

•             No mixing with people from other households, either indoors or outdoors. You should not have people to stay, or visit, at your house or in your garden.

•             You should not travel out of the local area, unless it is for work.

If your child is currently waiting to take a test or to receive the results of a test, I would be very grateful if you could continue to follow the process of informing the school if there is a positive result. To facilitate this process, over the half term we have set up an email address for parents to report a positive result


By continuing to let us know if your child tests positive, we can notify and advise you and any close contacts with regards to the length of isolation and the date that your child/close contacts can return to school, to safely ensure that risk of transmission is reduced.

Should your child be identified as a close contact of someone who has tested positive within the school, you will be contacted and informed about the required isolation period and date your child can return to school. It is important that you follow the advice and guidance in relation to the isolation period to help reduce the spread of infection.

For information, I have attached a helpful leaflet which provides information about testing, precautions and isolation.

I hope you remain well and manage to enjoy the break. We look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Monday 9th November 2020.


Best wishes

Sarah Rudd

Executive Head teacher

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At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are ‘Aiming High to Reach Our Goals’.

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